How the Retarded Pump Button works

Buy a digital space rock from planet Retard (RTRD) to pump this astro-tard’s bag of air and save him!

Choose the rarity of your retardness first

Are you a common ($1), rare($5) or legendary retard($50)?

Make the payment with BTC, ETH, BSV, BCH or SOL using the addresses below

Fill in the form, include the transaction link and your RTRD will be issued on the blockchain you used to make the payment with. To receive the RTRD to your wallet, include an address which can receive tokens of the blockchain you used.

Send the equivalence of $1 (common RTRD), $5 (rare RTRD) or $50 (legendary RTRD) to the following BTC address and fill in the form below:


Send the equivalence of $1 (common RTRD), $5 (rare RTRD) or $50 (legendary RTRD) to the following ETH address and fill in the form below:


Send the equivalence of $1 (common RTRD), $5 (rare RTRD) or $50 (legendary RTRD) to the following BSV address and fill in the form below:


Send the equivalence of $1 (common RTRD), $5 (rare RTRD) or $50 (legendary RTRD) to the following BCH address and fill in the form below:


Send the equivalence of $1 (common RTRD), $5 (rare RTRD) or $50 (legendary RTRD) to the following SOL address and fill in the form below:



    We make no promises of anything, not even that you will actually receive a digital space rock in the form of a cryptographic certificate called RTRD. Even if you get one, there will probably never be a Planet Retard game for you to play with the token as your access or any other benefits holding or buying the token.

    Make the payment at your own risk, this is crypto. We are all retarded!